My Gifts To You

Here is the treasure trove of information I have gathered up, just of you to say thank you for joining me on the “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Future” 3 Part Live Webinar Series.

My passion truly is to help women, just like you succeed in every area of your life.

These gifts are genuine practical life application tools that will take you through the personal character development process.


You don’t need to do it alone!

God does not want us to stay the same, He truly wants to transform so that we can live a peaceful, joyful life, healed and whole and prospering in every area. To do and accomplish this we must spend the time doing the work so that we grow.

I have found that the best way to accomplish this is to have an accountability coach that will walk through this life-growth process with you. My desire is be that Life Coach for you.

Let’s talk about how that would look for your life and how I can specifically assist you.

Book a FREE 30-Minute Coaching

Call with Sandra

(Value $75.00)

Personal Freedom Evaluation Guide

Vision & Goals Steps to Success

Positive Confessions

Change Your Thinking by making daily declarations over yourself

“You Can Have What You Say”

by Br. Hagin

Free Download

Core Value Assessment

I’ll drop this in soon

Thought Assessment Success Sheets

I’ll drop this in soon

Daily Affirmation Success Process

I’ll drop this in soon

Sand Dollar Poem & Info

Grown-Up Gals Chat


Be the first to sign up today!

GROWNUP GALS CHAT. It is a safe place for women who are transitioning in their life. For women who want to reassess their life and maybe even want to change their career or start-up that small business. Our objective is to sort out what we want to do and how we’re going to accomplish it.

I’m going to host one-hour ZOOM meetings once every other week. That is one hour, two times per month, and I’m offering three different time slots to meet different ladies at each one of the zoom meetings.

I created these Grown-up Gals Chat Meeting exclusively for my “Inner Circle” for those who have signed up for my Coaching Session, my On-line Courses and Workshops and for those who register for my monthly Mentoring sessions. However, as a part of your “Hope Chest“, I am offering 4 Sessions to you for FREE.

To sign up, click the link below and you will be redirected to the sign-up page. Simply follow the prompts.

The first meeting is coming up really soon, so sign up today. Ladies, this is going to be a fun and exciting journey. It’s about your success. Come and meet other lovely ladies, Christian ladies who are in a similar place and let’s have some fellowship. Learn some things and encourage one another and attain the victory that Jesus has paid the price for us to have.


When you sign up through this “Hope Chest” Special Gift you will also receive my “Five Techniques to Stop Feeling Like a Failure” printable Success Sheets. Yes, that is right. all of the valuable information shared in our first webinar, wrapped up in a wonderful downloadable document…. Just because I so desire you to be a complete success and overcome those hindrances that have held you back.

Simply click the button above and follow the prompts all the way through, register for the Grown-up Gals Chat and then you will be re-directed to the “Build on Your Failures and Find Your Freedom and Success” page.

Webinar Replays

Access for 20 days

Select the link below for the video you wish to watch.

You will be redirected to a Replay Viewing Page.

Access to My Success Secrets Pages

Dime Time

The first is a series of mini messages I like to call “Dime Time”.

Have you ever heart the phrase “A penny for your thoughts?”

Well these 10 minute-mini messages are sharing with you my thoughts in relation to God’s Word as it pertains to your life-success.

Magnificent Messages

I make it my personal mission to hear, know and listen to incredible, life changing messages from wonderful Ministers, Pastors and Prophets in the Kingdom. It would be selfish of me to keep these incredible words from the Lord Jesus from you … So, I won’t

These are longer messages, so grab a beverage, a snack, your bible and notebook….trust me you will need your notebook for these life-changing messages. Be Blessed.

Testimonies Are Important to Me

If you were blessed by these webinars over these Webinars, then please let me know so that I may share it with others.

Share Your Thoughts & Testimony

You Have The Victory

The victory is yours and the battle is the Lords. As you step out in the direction you are meant to go, doors will open for you that you never expected.

This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. 2 Chronicles 20:15

Disclaimer: Sandra Dalziel is an Ordained Minister and not a license counsellor. All encouragement given is based on wisdom, experience, personal testimony and a foundation on the Word of God. All references and guidance will be offered based on what God has said in His written Word.