Vision/Goal Setting Workshop

Date(s) - 05/01/2019
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
In our class we will look deeper into the desires within your heart and help you to set some goals to achieve those desires. In the last hour, we will get into the cutting and gluing, and you will physically create a vision board to take home.
In this 4-hour on-site workshop we will:
- Determine your desires & set some goals
- Gain understanding your life direction
- 1-hour teaching on goal-setting principles is included
- Create your Vision Board
You will receive a series emails with encouragement and downloadable Success Sheets to be done in advance of the class. These will take you about 2 hours to complete and will assist you in being prepared for the class. You will also begin to collect the pictures for your vision board to bring to the Workshop with You.
The One-Day Workshops are an intensive day with a combination of teaching/training as well as strategic personal self discovery culminating in hands-on vision board creation.
Lunch is included in the Workshop.
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