Pastor – Responses & Questions

Pastors, I wanted to take the time to respond as there have been many items over the course of the past month, and like you, I thought perhaps videos would be the best as it may be some time before we are together. My prayer is that these videos come across both as a response to your questions, correction, and as questions to obtain answers to help me.

I have separated it into several videos instead of one long one.

Part 1- A Response to Bible School, FOF & Campmeeting

Part 2- Staff Question -REMOVED

Part 3- Itinerating – explanation and further questions -REMOVED

Part 4- Question regarding Ministry of Helps -Roar & Salvation Altar Care Questions – REMOVED

I removed these videos because there really is not much point as I have pretty much given it all up.

I trust that similar to a face-to-face meeting these conversations will remain between the 4 of us.

Love you both. Thank you for listening, watching, and loving me enough to help.


  • To Serve
  • To Strengthen
  • To Surround
  • To Secure

To always be there for Pastors and our Apostle of Apostles.

With all our hearts!

Our Commitment to the Front-Line Mighty Warriors Video Link – CLICK HERE

PART ONE – Response to Bible School (4.7 min)

PART TWO – Staffing (4.42 min)

PART THREE – Itinerate Ministry (14 min.)

PART FOUR – Ministry of Helps (5 min)